Nov 30, 2011

Lost in Paris II

A couple of days ago, I toured Paris with my friends, Maru and Maja. My friends being Mexicans, we went to the Latin neighborhood of Paris and not the usual touristic areas.

They came with a friend Amandine, who is french and very sweet. She loves taking pictures like me, however, her photography skills are way better than mine, she took most of the pictures on this post.

We took lots of pictures and at every stop, including Starbucks(hahaha)...they should pay us for the advertisement. It was really beautiful walking through streets a lot of people never get to see, even after many years in Paris. And though nature robbed us of daylight with the shorter-day-longer-night that has been going on in the city, we were not discouraged. The city sparkled with the darkness and the cold was worth it.

Paris is indeed a beautiful city, and I hope to make a lot of good memories here...some to share with you guys. Many more photo diaries to come...stay tuned (?)

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